Can I choose which locations my food truck is listed in?

Create a listing for your food truck on our website, you will be asked to specify your home base location. This location will represent the center of the search radius for your food truck.

Your listing will then appear within the set distance that a user searches for food trucks on our website, which by default is set to 30 miles. This means that if a user searches for food trucks within a 30-mile radius of your home base location, your listing will appear in their search results.

Can I choose which locations my food truck is listed in?

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Create a listing for your food truck on our website, you will be asked to specify your home base location. This location will represent the center of the search radius for your food truck.

Your listing will then appear within the set distance that a user searches for food trucks on our website, which by default is set to 30 miles. This means that if a user searches for food trucks within a 30-mile radius of your home base location, your listing will appear in their search results.