What does “Owner Verified” mean?

"Owner Verified" is a designation that indicates a listing has been claimed and verified by the owner or an authorized agent. When a food truck or vendor claims their listing on our website, they are able to update and manage their information, including menu items, contact information, etc. Once we receive verification from the owner or authorized agent, we add the "Owner Verified" badge to the listing, providing users with the confidence that the information presented is accurate and up-to-date. 

What does “Owner Verified” mean?

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"Owner Verified" is a designation that indicates a listing has been claimed and verified by the owner or an authorized agent. When a food truck or vendor claims their listing on our website, they are able to update and manage their information, including menu items, contact information, etc. Once we receive verification from the owner or authorized agent, we add the "Owner Verified" badge to the listing, providing users with the confidence that the information presented is accurate and up-to-date.