Sticky Chicken SD

Owner Verified
Sticky Chicken SD
Serving San Marcos, CA and surrounding areas

Sticky Chicken is a Covid-19 pandemic birthed business! Jesse, founder and owner with his wife Moni, lost his job in the youth sports industry due to the pandemic. He and his sons were crazy enough to apply for a business license, start an Instagram page and see who would show up for curbside pickup at their residence! To everyone's surprise, we sold out of 80 pounds of chicken on pre-orders! Figuring that was an anomaly we tried again a few days later and sold out of 80 pounds again. We were up to 160 pounds of chicken two times per week before the county knocked on our door giving us a cease and desist along with a fine. Unbeknownst to us, we aren't allowed to sell food from a residence. 
The good news is it all worked out for good! We proved our product, gained a following and our food truck business was birthed! Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @StickyChickenSD to stay up to date with our whereabouts! Please leave us a message with inquiries and business opportunities. 
Team Sticky Chicken